March is the perfect month to kickstart your lawn care routine. The earth is waking up a little, the days are getting noticeably longer and you can start prepping your winter-stressed lawn.
But beware of the “false spring” feel. The fear of frosts has not yet passed. Plus, cold and windy weather means that certain gardening tasks must wait.
You can mow, aerate and weed and feed your grass as part of your lawn care in March. The weather is perfect for these green tasks. But since the grass has not established strong roots, you’ll need to wait a little longer before scarifying and topdressing your lawn. In the meantime, you can sow grass seeds and lay new turf, so your lawn is green and thriving before the onset of summer.
What’s the weather going to be like in Spring?
In March, the weather starts warming up, the days get longer and you may want to start your lawn care jobs. But before you roll up your sleeves and get started, it’s best to understand what weather conditions you’re most likely to face this March.
Early March weather
In early March, you can expect severe winds in the north and northwest parts of the UK. These parts will most likely see heavy rainfall, too.
Southern and eastern parts of the UK will have sunny and clear spells in early March. The days will be drier with occasional wet and windy weather.
Mid to late March weather
The weather conditions are expected to be more changeable from mid-march onwards. The northern and western parts, especially the slope areas, will be wetter initially and drier towards late March.
Strong winds will affect the southern and eastern parts, slowly becoming calmer towards the end of March. Temperatures will remain mild with brief colder spells.
Keep reading to discover which steps you can take for the best lawn care in March.
What’s the proper lawn treatment in March?
From mowing and feeding to aerating and scarifying your lawn, here’s everything you need to know about March lawn treatment:
Mowing the lawn in March
It’s not too early to cut grass in March. In fact, March is the ideal time for your first cut of the year. But you also need to exercise some caution when mowing your lawn.
Keep your mower blades on their highest setting and follow the one-third rule. That is, never mow more than a third of the length of the grass blades. Otherwise, mowing can stress the grass, leading to disease and weed infestation.
Also, remember to keep the mowing frequency relatively low. You can cut the grass once or twice in March and expect to get back to regular mowing in April.

Image credit: @andrewcoleman3697
Can you aerate the lawn in March?
Yes, you can aerate your lawn in March. This will open up your lawn turf and thatch layer, making it easier for water, air and nutrients to reach the grass roots.
You can first use a garden fork or a solid tine aerator to punch holes into the soil. For a large lawn, you can also consider renting a motorised aerator. Next, use a hollow tine aerator on heavily trafficked areas of the lawn.
Spring aeration will reduce soil compaction, improve drainage and also help to deal with the thatch buildup. If you’re thinking about overseeding your lawn, aerating will help to create an ideal home for the seeds.
Can you sow grass seed in March?
Mid-March is the best time to sow grass seeds on your lawn. This will give the seedlings enough time to mature and thrive before the onset of the summer heat.
Before you start overseeding, make sure to aerate your lawn to improve the germination rate. Then, use a rotary or drop spreader to sow the seeds. Or you can manually spread the seeds by hand.
Tip: After sowing grass seed in March, don’t apply any weed control to your turf. This could harm the emerging seedlings in the same way it controls woodrush or dandelions.
Can you lay turf in March?
Yes, you can lay turf in March. This will help the new grass establish roots before hot summers, but preparation is key when you do that. So, keep in mind these March lawn tips while laying turf.
Start by breaking up the soil, aerating it and ensuring proper drainage. A week before you begin, clear away perennial weeds using a good weedkiller. Also, apply a spring fertiliser and level the ground.
Now, lay the turf down firmly using the back of a rake. This will help establish good contact between the turf and the soil. Then, gently water the lawn with a sprinkler. Admire your handiwork from a distance before it’s ready for use.

Image credit: @shawlandscapegroup
Can you scarify the lawn in March?
For most UK gardeners, it’s still too early to scarify a lawn in March. You may be tempted to remove all that dead grass and moss but it’s best to wait until April when the lawn has a better recovery rate.
Scarifying your lawn in March will damage the grass roots when they’re actively growing. It may also remove the thatch layer that helps keep the ground warm, encouraging seedling growth.
That said, you can manually remove thatch patches if your lawn is looking worse for wear after the colder months. Be gentle so that the delicate new growth continues to emerge.
More on this: What to Do After Scarifying a Lawn: 9 Steps to Revive Grass
Can you weed and feed the lawn in March?
Yes, you can weed and feed your lawn in March, even if the weather is still cold. What’s more, finishing these tasks early in the year will give you time for other demanding jobs like removing moss and laying new turf.
Weeds steal nutrients and water that your lawn grass needs. It’s best to remove them with a herbicide designed to kill weeds but not lawn grass. You can also pull the weeds out manually, but it does take time.
From early March, you can begin fertilising your lawn with a March feed for lawns. This will contain the perfect balance of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium to boost grass growth.
Can you remove moss in March?
Mosses release their spores and start spreading once the weather warms up. You don’t want to wait for that. Remove mosses early in March while it’s still cold outside.
Apply moss killers containing ferrous sulphate or copper sulphate all over your lawn. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s not too harsh, otherwise, you might end up with soil that’s unfit for lawn grass.
Once you’ve removed the moss, fix the soil conditions. Mosses like damp, shady and compacted lawns. So, aerate the soil, improve drainage and remove limbs of trees above the lawn to let in more sunlight.

Image credit: @joeslawncareltd
Can you topdress the lawn in March?
Topdressing your lawn has several benefits, from boosting soil nutrients to levelling the lawn. But is March the right time to topdress your lawn? Well, not quite.
It’s best to topdress your lawn in the growing season, that is, April or May. If you topdress in March when your lawn is still in its dormant phase, you run the risk of damaging or even killing your grass entirely.
Tip: While topdressing your lawn, choose a sunny and calm day. Wet weather can make the dressing material difficult to work with and create levelling issues.
Can you rake the lawn in March?
March is a good time to rake your lawn with a garden fork. Choose a warm and dry day for the task. Before you start, ensure that the ground has thawed and the grass is beginning to turn green.
Gently brush away any fallen tree branches, stray leaves and other debris on your lawn. Pull out thin and loose thatch layers, but don’t rake them heavily.
Tip: Use a plastic rake in March as its tines are softer than the metal or bamboo ones. It will help remove garden debris easily without scarifying your lawn.
Can you control pests and diseases in March?
Yes, March is a great time to control winter pests and diseases. Everything from snow mould to powdery mildew, snails and grubs can wreak havoc on your lawn. Don’t worry, there are a few things you can do about them.
Aerate your lawn to improve drainage and prevent damp and waterlogged patches. If aerating does not help, apply a mild fungicide or pesticide for quick results. A more eco-friendly approach is spraying vinegar over your lawn to control pests and diseases.
Tip: Looking to reduce worm castings without killing the beneficial worms? Apply ferrous sulphate to your lawn. This will reduce the soil pH, forcing the worms to go deeper into the soil.

Image credit: @premierlawnsni
Can I keep the grass green in March?
Yes, there are several ways to keep your grass green, even in March. First, clean up any winter debris covering your grass. This will allow sunlight to reach the grass blades and boost their growth.
Secondly, rake your lawn to improve the flow of water and nutrients. Be gentle with the raking as your lawn is still recovering from the long winter stress. Then, mow your lawn to promote deeper and stronger roots. The result: a lush and green lawn.
Finally, apply a lawn feed that’s low in nitrogen and rich in phosphate and potassium. This will green up your lawn without encouraging too much growth.
Can I water the lawn in March?
In March, your lawn is just stepping out of its winter dormancy. And although you may be eager to start watering it on the first sunny day, it’s better to be cautious.
Overwatering your lawn in March may do more harm than good. The grass is weak and so are the seedlings. Watering once a week is enough if you don’t get any rainfall. Slowly increase the frequency as the temperatures rise.
Tip: Water your lawn in the morning hours. It’s generally cooler and calmer, allowing water to seep into the soil and get absorbed by the roots before it can evaporate.
Can I repair and renovate the lawn in March?
If certain patches of your lawn aren’t recovering even after the temperatures have risen, you might have to look into repairing and renovating your lawn.
Conduct a soil test to check its health and fertility. Also, begin weed control to get rid of any unwanted vegetation that’s stealing soil nutrients. Then, wet the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Allow the surface to dry before mowing.
Completely remove thatch, aerate the soil and overseed the whole patch. Finish off with a spring fertiliser and water your lawn well. Once again, ensure that the weather is not too wet before you start your repair and renovation project.

Image credit: @homesteadsuffolk
What should you put on the lawn in March?
From new seeds to weed killer and feed, there are quite a few things you should put on your lawn in March. These will help the grass to establish stronger roots, resulting in a thriving lawn all year.
After mowing, raking and aerating your lawn, add a fertiliser that’s rich in phosphate and potassium. Now, wait until a couple of weeks before spraying an organic weed killer, or give a homemade soap and vinegar weed killer a try.
You can also sow the right grass seeds on thinning lawn patches. Sprinkle enough water to allow the seeds to germinate. Alternatively, you can lay new turf in March. Keep the ground wet and avoid foot traffic until the turf has rooted in.
March lawn maintenance
March is the month you will itch to get back to your lawn. And why not? It’s practically spring, with longer days and warmer weather. So, here are a few March lawn care tips for you:
- Prepare your lawn tools beforehand. You don’t want a mower with worn-out blades ruining your grass.
- Clear away any winter debris that’s lying on your lawn. Trim the grass edges to make your lawn look neater.
- Brush away worm casts. Fertilise at the proper time to keep the grass healthy. And finally, water only if necessary. This way you’ll have a great lawn come spring.