Growing food

strawberry plant winter
How to Keep Strawberry Plants Over the Winter

There are a few things you can do over the colder months to help protect your strawberry plants and boost their summer fruit yield.

What to Plant in January: 12 Flower & Vegetable Seeds to Sow Now 1
What to Plant in January: 12 Flower & Vegetable Seeds to Sow Now

It’s never too early to get a head start on your home-growing journey and there are several flower and vegetable seeds that you can sow in january.

grow autumn raspberries
How To Plant, Grow & Prune Autumn Fruiting Raspberries

Raspberry plants are fairly easy to care for and you’re thinking of adding autumn raspberry treats to your collection of edible plants, you won’t be disappointed.

13 Tasty Vegetables To Grow In a Greenhouse In Winter 2
13 Tasty Vegetables To Grow In a Greenhouse In Winter

You can grow plenty of crops in winter, even in an unheated greenhouse. To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of some of the easiest crops to grow in a greenhouse during the colder months.

winter vegetables
14 Vegetables to Grow in Winter: When to plant & How to protect

Would you like to have fresh vegetables throughout the winter season? There are many varieties of vegetables that do just fine in the cold, in fact, some even prefer it.

pallet potato box
How to Make a DIY Potato Planter Box

Potatoes are one of the most delicious and versatile vegetables and they’re also really easy to grow! Find out how to make your own simple potato planter box.

tomatoes and lettuce in a raised planter
How to Build a Tomato Planter Box: Ideas for Healthy Plants

Tomatoes are so easy to grow that even a novice gardener can be successful! Growing tomatoes in a planter box will increase your chances of success, as this provides them with enough warmth and nutrition to last a whole growing season.

How to Build a Vegetable Planter Box: Grow Healthy Foods 3
How to Build a Vegetable Planter Box: Grow Healthy Foods

There are few things more satisfying than growing and picking your own home-grown vegetables, salad or herbs. Learn how to build a planter box for vegetables and get started on your food growing journey.

what to grow in a vegetable planter box
What to Grow in a Vegetable Planter Box

Like the idea of growing your own produce? Find out what to grow in a vegetable planter box and how to get the best results.

rustic herb planter box
8 Best Herb Planter Boxes to Buy

If you fancy planting up a herb box for your kitchen windowsill or creating an outdoor herb planter garden, we’ve rounded up some of the best herb planter boxes.

10 Herbs for Planter Boxes That Won't Die on You Easily 4
10 Herbs for Planter Boxes That Won’t Die on You Easily

Here’s our guide to the best herbs to grow in a planter box and how to get the best results.

which vegetables need trellis
Which Vegetables Need Trellis?

Nature has designed many climbing vegetables and fruit from beans to fruiting squash. Read on to see which vegetables will benefit from using trellis and why to use it.

when to trellis squash
When To Trellis Squash

Are you wondering when or even how to trellis your squash plants? Squash belong to a group of fruits that grow on large plants. Trellising them might seem like a great idea, but is it possible? Find out!

why trellis tomatoes
Why Trellis Tomatoes?

Whether you are growing vine or bush tomatoes, there are several reasons for trellising these cheery fruits as they grow.

will strawberries climb trellis
Do Strawberries Need a Trellis? Will They Climb to Grow?

A climbing trellis is not ideal, but find out how your strawberry plants can thrive by understanding just what they need to provide you with juicy red fruit!

growing cucumbers in a greenhouse with irrigation
Best Trellis for Cucumbers: 5 Ways to Grow & Train Cucumbers

A vine cucumber needs a trellis or climbing frame. Learn how to train your cucumber on a trellis and what types of trellis might suit your pot or garden.

Types of beans that need a trellis when to trellis them
13 Types of Beans That Need a Trellis and When to Trellis Them

Growing beans in your garden? Let’s look at the most commonly grown bean varieties that need the support of a trellis and the best time to trellis them.

a raised vegetable bed for intensive crop growing
Fresh & Creative Vegetable Garden Ideas

Vegetable garden ideas for every space, from full-sized beds to balconies and patios – get growing today!

square foot gardening methods mean you can grow more crops in a small space
Square Foot Gardening: Tips and Tricks

Maximise your yield and minimise your effort with square foot gardening – a practical, easy way to grow crops in any garden.

a raised planter made from reclaimed railway sleepers filled with edible plants
Raised Bed Gardening Ideas

Raised bed gardening can make a cluttered garden look tidy, or create depth in an empty space. Read our tips for raising your garden beds!

a rectangular planter with spring onions growing inside
The 10 Best Vegetables for Container Gardening

Check out our list of the 10 easiest, most rewarding and all-round best vegetables for container gardening.

How to Grow Basil in Your Garden 5
How to Grow Basil in Your Garden

Learning how to grow basil is a practical way to get your fingers green and start cultivating edible plants, even in a small space.

close-up of a hand holding earth - how to improve your garden soil
How to Improve Your Garden Soil in 6 Steps

Learn how to improve your garden soil in six, simple steps, and enjoy happy, healthy flowers and crops year after year.

a father and two children looking closely at a tomato vine in a vegetable patch
10 Easy Plants for Kids to Grow and Learn Gardening

Our list of the 10 best plants for kids to grow will encourage them to have fun in the garden and have a better understanding of the natural world.

a container of lettuce plants in a garden
21 Shade Loving Vegetables That Grow Well in UK Gardens

Growing crops can be tough without full sun in your garden. Here are 21 vegetables to grow in shade, with tips on how to keep them healthy.

a beautiful, symmetrical kitchen garden with box hedge borders
22 Foodscaping Ideas for a Stunning Edible Garden

Enjoy a garden that’s literally good enough to eat by growing a foodscape. These 22 foodscaping ideas will get you started.

you can grow vegetables in hanging baskets, like this huge tomato plant with lots of trailing fruit
How to Grow Vegetables in Hanging Baskets

Choosing to grow vegetables in hanging baskets is an efficient use of space, giving you fantastic foliage and also leaving you with something delicious to enjoy at the end of the season.

a cluster of aphids eating a leaf
Tips for Getting Rid of Aphids

An aphid population can destroy gardens, houseplants and vegetable patches. Read these tips for getting rid of aphids to save your plants!

how to grow strawberries, taking young plants from a box and putting them into the ground
How to Grow Strawberries in Your Garden

Learn how to grow strawberries at home, and enjoy the perfect treat for a summer’s day – with cream, in Pimm’s, or as a fresh treat on their own.

five cobs of golden corn, picked from a garden
How to Grow Sweetcorn in Your Garden 

Learning how to grow sweetcorn in your garden will reward you with stunning foliage and delicious golden cobs to enjoy at the dinner table.

a guide to show you how to grow chilli peppers in your garden
How to Grow Chilli Peppers in Your Garden

If you like a little bit of kick in your kitchen, learning how to grow chilli peppers is going to be a very satisfying experience.

companion planting involves understanding which vegetables can be grown together, like tomatoes and French marigolds
Companion Planting: Which Vegetables Can Be Grown Together?

Companion planting is all about knowing which vegetables can be grown together to get the best out of your kitchen garden.

close-up of a hand clutching a bunch of carrots
How to Grow Carrots in Your Garden 

Versatile, delicious and packed with nutrients, carrots are a winner at the dinner table. Learn how to grow carrots in your garden at home.

a ripe cucumber hanging from a flowering vine
How to Grow Cucumbers in Your Garden

Enjoy more fresh salads and crunchy garnishes with home-grown ingredients by learning how to grow cucumbers in your own garden.

Garden vegetables to grow in spring will need protection from cold weather and pests
Garden Vegetables to Plant in Spring

It’s time to bring life back into your vegetable patch, and prepare your plates for these delicious garden vegetables to plant in spring.

clusters of muddy potatoes, pulled straight from the ground
How to Grow Potatoes in Your Garden 

There are so many ways to enjoy potatoes that it makes them one of the most practical crops to start producing at home.

how to grow tomatoes in pots on a windowsill
How to Grow Tomatoes in Your Garden

Tomatoes are a rewarding crop, and you can get an excellent harvest from just a few plants. Learn how to grow tomatoes in your garden here!

a close up of green bean vegetables in a container garden, ripe and ready to harvest
How to Grow Green Beans in Your Garden 

Green beans, also known as string beans or French beans, are super easy to grow in the UK.

a small head of cabbage forming in soil
How to Grow Cabbage in Your Garden 

Cabbage is a nutritious plate-filler, and a fantastic crop to start growing at home.

a container of lettuce plants in a garden
How to Start Growing Your Own Vegetables

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as serving up a plate with food that’s come from your own garden.

six mason jars with herbs growing inside
10 Indoor Herb Garden Ideas with Tips and Easy Herbs to Grow

Try our easy indoor herb garden ideas to discover how simple, satisfying (and delicious) growing your own ingredients can be!

wicker basket filled with brightly coloured produce, fresh from the kitchen garden
Garden to Table: Kitchen Garden Ideas for Your Home

When it comes to gardening, there’s not much that’s more satisfying than taking something you’ve grown and bringing it in to eat.